Natural Onion Mask for Hair Growth and Health

Natural Onion Mask for Hair Growth and Health

Did you cut your hair and regret it and want to grow it again? Then you should apply this mask immediately. For this, you will use a material that you

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Did you cut your hair and regret it and want to grow it again? Then you should apply this mask immediately. For this, you will use a material that you can easily find at home. Onions are a food in every household. You’ve heard that onion is a natural antibiotic. Onion is a vegetable that is good for many diseases and infections, so we should consume it not only as a mask but also as a nutrient.

Grate 4-5 onions and put them in a saucepan and boil for a while with water.

After the water is warm, you can take a bath and wash your hair with this water. You can use a few drops of lavender oil to prevent bad smell.
