Making Curly Hair With Pipettes Without Using Hot Tools

Making Curly Hair With Pipettes Without Using Hot Tools

Hi beautiful ladies. Using hot tools breaks your hair very much. You would like to make your hair curly, but you might be afraid of destroying your ha

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Curly hair to look stylish and beautiful easily

Hi beautiful ladies. Using hot tools breaks your hair very much. You would like to make your hair curly, but you might be afraid of destroying your hair. Here we have a trick on making your hair curly with pipettes. We separate our slightly moist hair with small small tufts and wrap our pipettes. After you have wrapped your hair with pipettes, the next step is to bend the ends of the pipelines and fix them with a wire clasp or a pens. After applying the pipettes, after 2 – 3 hours you will have the curls hair you want. That’s how easy you can make your hair curly.
