How to Thicken Your Hair Egdes In Natural Way

How to Thicken Your Hair Egdes In Natural Way

Hair edges are a region where every woman has problems. This hair is neither long nor short. For this reason, we see that it always looks ugly in our

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Hair edges are a region where every woman has problems. This hair is neither long nor short. For this reason, we see that it always looks ugly in our hairstyles. The hair edges are the weakest and thinnest part of our hair, so we need to be more careful when we care for them. We will make some recommendations to thicken the hair edges and add them to your normal hair.

1. Use scalp stimulants. These can be peppermint oil or pepper oil.
2. Massage the edges of the hair. The best method to thicken and lengthen a hair.
3. Never use chemicals or heaters on the edges of the hair. Since they are very thin, they pour immediately.
4. Use only natural products. Remember that the hair edges are also delicate than you think. You can have several wires in one draw.
5. Be very careful when combing the hair edges. The most suitable parts to break are these parts.
