Get Long Hair in 3 Weeks Using Garlic

Get Long Hair in 3 Weeks Using Garlic

When we say garlic, you can think of a bad smell, and you might be surprised to see that such a product is used for hair care. But garlic is a substan

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When we say garlic, you can think of a bad smell, and you might be surprised to see that such a product is used for hair care. But garlic is a substance that not only benefits your body but also your hair.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. The fact that garlic improves blood circulation in your scalp will lengthen your hair very quickly and ensure that it has a healthy structure.

Add some olive oil and coconut oil to a few cloves of garlic. Then boil them in a saucepan and leave to cool. After straining this mixture, apply all over your scalp and wait for half an hour.

You can apply this application once a month on holidays so that you do not smell bad. You will be very surprised to see how your hair grows in a short time.
