Different Hairstyles To Make Your Twist Out Last Longer

Different Hairstyles To Make Your Twist Out Last Longer

Okay Naturals, we practically wouldn't be searching for you ladies if we didn't post on various hairstyles to make your twist out the last one longer.

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Okay Naturals, we practically wouldn’t be searching for you ladies if we didn’t post on various hairstyles to make your twist out the last one longer. Like we all know what it’s like to stretch a twist until the next wash day. When you’re just like us, we’ll wash our hair once a week. We often see the naturals sharing what their day 1, 2, 5, or 7 twists look like, and sometimes it’s a fight right?

Okay, one of our naturalists just tagged us on Instagram, where she did a collage of six different hairstyles to make the twist last longer. She’s the muse behind this blog post so shout it out to her and make sure you search @Shaakirarahnae out on Instagram for pretty cool natural hairstyles.





